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Chart of Accounts Financial Affairs Division of Budget and Finance University of Wyoming


A Chart Of Accounts is an index of all the financial accounts in a company’s general ledger . The chart of accounts is an index of all financial accounts in a company’s general ledger. A simple way to organize the expense accounts is to create an account for each expense listed on IRS Tax Form Schedule Cand adding other accounts that are specific to the nature of the business.

liabilities and equity

It also provides external parties with a snapshot view of an organization’s fiscal health for prudent investment, purchase, or approval of credit. An organization’s financial statements are those records that convey all its related business transactions, wellbeing and status, and the overall financial performance of the entity. A chart of accounts is a tool that lists all the accounts in the general ledger with unique numbering to help locate them in the relevant accounting book.


Each of these accounts typically has a name, brief description, and a general ledger code to help you find where to put a transaction. In order to use your chart of accounts efficiently, it is advisable to pick accounts that will not change for a couple of years. You can also streamline your chart of accounts by taking out those that hold data of little importance. This stops your chart from becoming too large and unmanageable. To design your chart of accounts, begin your initial design with the major headings of your transactions.

What are the 5 basic charts of accounts?

  • Assets.
  • Liabilities.
  • Equity.
  • Expenses.
  • Revenue.

Horizontal https://quick-bookkeeping.net/ is used in financial statement analysis to compare historical data, such as ratios or line items, over a number of accounting periods. COAs can differ and be tailored to reflect a company’s operations. However, they also must respect the guidelines set out by the Financial Accounting Standards Board and generally accepted accounting principles .

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  • These are divided on a positive/negative scale- assets include bank accounts, real estate, prepaid expenses, and accounts receivables.
  • Again, using the multiple three- or four-digit sub-account designations will provide more in-depth transaction tracking and overall fiscal transparency.
  • The accounts are usually numeric, but can also be alphabetic or alphanumeric.
  • She has also held editing roles at LearnVest, a personal finance startup, and its parent company, Northwestern Mutual.
  • If you recently attended webinar you loved, find it here and share the link with your colleagues.
  • As a business owner, you have to record every slot88 transaction that your business is involved in, ranging from loans to a paid invoice from a customer.
Chart of Accounts Financial Affairs Division of Budget and Finance University of Wyoming

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